Thursday, November 29, 2007

Garden Blogs

Last weekend's USA Weekend, dated November 23-25, 2007, had a short article about garden blogs. It was under the heading of GardenSmart, and was written by Fran Sorin. As she mentions, garden blogs are available on the web covering every possible topic related to gardening. There are garden blogs that have a regional focus, as well as an international flair. (I love to look at garden blogs from places that I would one day like to visit, it gives you a feel for the area. And you find out how people around the U.S., and even the world, go about their gardening.)

Ms. Sorin mentions that two of her favorite gardening blogs are:

written by four women that live in various parts of the country, and
a blog she helped to create with other gardeners that features different experiences and opinions.

As she notes, visiting gardening blogs gives you the opportunity to exchange ideas and engage in interactions with fellow gardeners. That's something I certainly enjoy doing!

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Garden Calendar Tips

I had to take a little hiatus from garden blogging, since my old computer died on me. I'm still checking out the new features on my new computer, so I'm still not up to speed. While going through my accumulated emails, I was pleasantly surprised with an e-newsletter I recently received from Lowe's Home and Garden Center. On Lowe's Outdoor Living section of their Garden Club website, they had some interesting articles. I particularly enjoyed the Garden Calendar tips, that featured regional tips for your zone by month. It offered ideas of things you should be doing to prepare your yard and garden for the winter season - check it out. Also, while there, you can subscribe to their e-newsletter and quarterly Garden Club print publication. They are both free of charge and have helpful information.

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