Friday, October 20, 2006

Mother Nature, Please Give Us a Break!

The heat is gone. It's cold and wet now. Two weeks ago it was hot, humid, and very dry. By the time the temperature was finally beginning to go down a bit, we decided it was time to do some planting. We have been very busy, so we just decided to buy out a day and do some planting, otherwise it will never get done. We planted as many of our favorite fall vegetables that we had time to plant - greens (collards, mustards, and turnips), onions (red and yellow), garlic, carrots, rutabagas, beets, and more. Guess what? Within two days, everything was under water. Now I know why people left farming alone, and moved to the cities. But we will not be detered by Mother Nature!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Heat Is Still On!

Surprise, surprise! It's still hot here! It really is a good time to plant some seeds and transplants, since it is still very warm. But the ground needs to be cleared and cultivated, and who wants to get all sweaty and dirty. And I guess we are being a bit lazy too. We are waiting until a cooler day to clean up from the summer harvest. The weather people are promising that a cold front should be passing through in a couple of days. Until then, we are still enjoying the roses.
